World Dracula Day Symposium 2017


Please join us Thursday, May 25 – Friday, May 26, 2017 to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the publication of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. This two-day event will include a Thursday evening Keynote address by Dacre Stoker, great-grand-nephew of Bram Stoker, followed by a small reception and book signing. This evening program is open to the public. Friday registration includes the Thursday event, but tickets for Thursday only will be $5 at the door. Please contact Dax Stokes, for any group seating.

Friday’s speakers include Dacre Stoker, John Edgar Browning, Gordon Melton, Nancy Rosenberg England, Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, Thomas Garza, and Dax Stokes. There will also be an Author’s Corner for local vampire-fiction authors and the conference speakers. Books will be available for purchase and the authors available for book signings.

This conference is in association with the Whitby Dracula Society 1897 and their World Dracula Day; North Central Texas College; The Vampire Historian Podcast; and

Registration is $55 by March 1, 2017, and includes lunch. ($35 for NCTC Faculty, Staff, and Students).

Register now at